Santa Barbara’s Historic Courthouse Wedding : Amanda + Charley

Wow. That’s the only word that I could think of when I first walked into the Santa Barbara Courthouse. When Amanda and Charley asked me to photograph their wedding, I certainly was not expecting a courthouse to be this insanely beautiful. From the intricate tile to the ironwork to the breathtaking Mural Room where they had their ceremony, it was like a candy land as a photographer. There were too many beautiful places for photos in one building.

I also could not have been any luckier to have met these two. Their friends and family were so warm and welcoming, and I instantly felt comfortable shooting them. And not only were A+C a gorgeous couple, but Charley at one point came up to me and said, “I trust you, just do your thing.” Having creative freedom like that just added to how much fun I had photographing this day, and allowed me to create some images that I’m really happy with.

The reception was held later that evening at The Lark restaurant, where everyone celebrated over shared family-style courses, and danced well into the night.

Thank you so much for choosing me as your photographer, Amanda and Charley! I wish you both all the happiness in the world.

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Walnut Grove Wedding in Moorpark | Shahna and Ryan | Los Angeles Wedding Photographer

Shahna and Ryan got married at this beautiful venue in Moorpark, and I was so happy to be there to photograph it. I’m pretty sure this day had one of the most epic sunsets of all time — and I don’t use the term “epic” lightly. The day went so smoothly, and I honestly have never had so much fun at a reception as I did that night. It was dance-off after dance-off, this group really knew how to party!

Special thanks to my wonderful second photographer Sara Panman who captured all the moments I missed– I am so grateful I had her talents there with me! All the little details came so perfectly together thanks to the styling talents of Julia Sir Wester (also the talented stylist for Oh Joy!). And of course, it all wouldn’t have gone so smoothly without the help of Mia Bella Weddings.

Thank you Shahna and Ryan for letting me be such a big part of your day!

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10 on 10 Collaboration Project, Post 16

It’s October and everyone I know is having babies.

February must be a really boring and/or utterly romantic month because I swear 95% of the women in my life got pregnant within the same time this past year and they are all due within a month of each other.

This month I’m featuring photos that I took in South Carolina of my dear friend Chandler and her husband Ben, who are expecting their first child together in just a few short weeks. Chandler was one of the very first people  I met when I got to college, at Freshman orientation. And thank god, because she is also one of the best people I have ever met, of all time, ever.

I also feel like I should mention that she was seven months pregnant in these photos and the size of her “baby bump” is about the size of my belly after a large meal. I’d be mad about it, but this girl holds a huge space in my heart, so I guess I can forgive her this once.

I cannot wait to meet this amazing baby girl. I might have to fly across the country just to hold her when she arrives. Sending so much love to you both.

More 10 on 10 photographers:


Shaw Photography

Twinty Photography

Courtney Z Photography

Anya Elise Photography

Button Media

CLB Creative

Brittany Conner Photography

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10 on 10 Collaboration Project, Post 15

Somehow it’s September already and it’s so hot in LA I’m literally sweating just from sitting at my desk. So, in an attempt not to move too much, here’s this month’s 10-on-10 which features some new people I met last month– Erika and Rich‘s new babies Eloise and Berenger!

Eloise and Berenger Breitengross were born on August 10th, 2014. I met the twins when they were only 6 days old. I can’t even begin to describe how tiny and perfect they are. The photos can’t do it justice. If you ever get the chance to hold newborn twins at the same time, I highly recommend it. It’s terrifying, exhilarating, and wonderful all rolled into one amazing feeling.

Happy 1 month, E+B. You two are the bomb.

Other awesome photographers involved in the 10-on-10 project are:

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10 on 10 Collaboration Project, Post 14

Anthony and I went to one of many ghost towns in California yesterday, and I thought it would be perfect for this month’s 10-on-10. Mentryville was established when settlers struck oil there in the late 1800s. The last person to live in the town was the sole caretaker who was forced out after damage caused by the Northridge earthquake.

What is left now is a somewhat creepy, abandoned old-west style town with a very cool hike into the surrounding mountains, where an old boy scout camp called Johnson Park sits. I would love to do an engagement shoot here– who’s in?

Other awesome photographers involved in the 10-on-10 project are:

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Los Angeles Old Hollywood Wedding: Ashley + Bryan

Way back when Bryan and Ashley asked me to photograph their wedding, I already knew they were a cool couple (their engagement photos were taken in a tattoo parlor, after all). So I was really excited to photograph them in general because it gave me excuses to hang out with them.

But, I was really excited for their wedding day. First, the ceremony was sure to be as sweet as they are as a couple (sweet as in both the nice way and the dude! sweet! kind of way). Second, it was at a venue I had known about for a long time, but had never had the opportunity to see in person. A lot of photographers have shot the outside of it, but few get to photograph the inside of it. That’s because this venue was Katy Perry’s old house when she was married to Russell Brand, and now it is Bryan and Ashley’s friend Kendra’s house. Third, they were doing a sparkler send off.

So here are some photos from the day I shot Bryan and Ashley’s wedding at this gorgeous old Hollywood McMansion, on the longest day of the year, surrounded by some of the nicest group of people, celebrating. This must be how all those Disney Princesses feel like every day.

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Rancho Palos Verdes Oceanside Wedding – Judy and Vladimir

It’s not every day I get the opportunity to shoot a wedding where both the bride and the scenery quite literally take my breath away. Judy and Vladimir chose this stunning location in Rancho Palos Verdes as the backdrop of their intimate wedding in May. The weather was perfect, the company was warm and welcoming, and I was able to see the ocean. I can’t ask for much more than that.

The ceremony was at Founder’s Park, and the reception was held at Judy’s aunt’s house nearby. It was one of the most entertaining weddings I have shot– this group of family and friends really know how to party!

Special thanks to Sara Panman for helping me get some great shots!

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Abramson Family Portrait Session – Savannah, GA

You guys, I love family portraits. I’m not talking about stiff, posed, boring family photos. I’m talking about family photos where you can actually feel the love through the images.

I took these photos when I was in Savannah for my friend Lindy’s wedding. I couldn’t be happier with how they turned out. Not only was the weather perfect, but  I feel like I got to know the Abramson family so well. We had so much fun! And the photos oozed happiness.

During the shoot, we got Grandma in there too. And we even ran into my handsome friend, Austin the Golden Retriever!

All in all, a perfect session (complete with beach balls and giant balloons, of course!).

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10 on 10 Collaboration Project, Post 12

Well, today’s post officially marks a year of doing the 10 on 10 project with the other photographers all around the country!  Yay!

I’m happy to say that I have decided to continue doing the 10 on 10 post every month, as it keeps me motivated to do my own work.  Although, I’ll admit that I took lots of photos last month, nothing quite made the cut for today’s post.  SO, I’m showing you some more photos from my trip abroad to Amsterdam, Paris, and London.

Take me back. Someone just take me back.

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Other talented photographers involved in the 10 on 10 project are:

Courtney Z Photography

Jamilah Photography

Twinty Photography

Anya Elise Photography

Button Media

10 on 10 Collaboration Project, Post 11

I can’t believe it has almost been a year of doing this project!

I’m going to be honest, I haven’t had much time last month to take personal photos. However, I have some exciting news!  As most of you know, in addition to shooting my own work, during the week I work at Oh Joy! where I wear many hats. One of those hats includes shooting a lot of content for the blog. Basically, it’s the best job ever because some days Joy says, “Casey, can you go get some doughnuts, and then take pictures of the doughnuts, and then we can eat the doughnuts?” Or other times it’s like, “Casey, can you come hang out with my adorable family and take photos for my baby announcement?”

Yeah, it’s a pretty great job.

What’s even greater is we are now in the thick of creating an Oh Joy book, and I’m getting the opportunity to take photos for it!  It’s pretty much the coolest/most daunting task I have ever had the privilege to be a part of.

So, this month’s 10-on-10 is dedicated to Oh Joy!, and includes 10 of my favorite photos I took for her blog last month.

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Other photographers involved in this project this month are:

Courtney Z Photography

Jamilah Photography

Twinty Photography

Anya Elise Photography

Button Media