I’m Engaged! (September 10 on 10)

August had to have been one of the busier months I have ever been through– We traveled a lot (Portland, NYC, Connecticut, and Northern California), I twisted my ankle, friends visited, friends got married, other friends had babies, these babies turned one year old (!!!), we signed a lease to a bigger place and moved out of our little cabin we loved so dearly, and somewhere in the middle of all this, we got engaged.

And the way he proposed was so incredibly romantic and creative, I decided to share the proposal with you for this month’s 10 on 10.

One of our many adventures last month was a planned trip to Northern California to stay in the Redwoods. My boss had decided a few months prior to shut down the office the last week of August, so Anthony and I decided to take advantage and go on a road trip. We rented a cabin which was secluded on a mountaintop overlooking the rolling hills towards the ocean.

We climbed a long winding staircase up this hillside to this cabin, which for someone as out of shape as I am, is no easy feat. We got to the top, put our things down, and toyed with the idea of leaving. “You can drive all over Northern California looking for the most beautiful spot,” the owner of the property, told us, “but my father always said that the most beautiful spot in the world is right here.”

We decided to forgo sightseeing until tomorrow, so I drew a bath in the hot tub outside. I poured some wine, turned on music, and put out some cheese and crackers. The sun was setting, and I got in. It was time to vacation.

Anthony “had to go grab some clothes to change into” and went inside. He came out holding some clothes wrapped around what was obviously a box. He got in, and told me he loved me. Then he presented me with the box he so poorly hid. Inside was this stunning piece of jewelry, designed and hand-made by our incredibly talented friend Leah. It was a locket in the shape of a beetle, and when I lifted the wings, my dog was etched in bronze inside. I cried. Sobbed. Never in my life has anyone put so much time, thought, and effort into a gift. “Will you marry me?” he asked. “Duh, idiot. Yes.” I replied through my tears.

So that’s how he proposed: in a hot tub, as the sun was setting behind the hills, like a scene from a romance novel or an SNL skit. We weren’t able to have phone service to call anyone until the next day, when my mother screamed into my ear. We read, drove around, he proposed two more times in the trunk of a redwood (that can be the version I tell Grandma). We watched Hot Tub Time Machine 2 about six times because it was the only movie we downloaded on the iPad.

I’ll go into the entire process and story of The Beetle in a post very soon, but in the meantime, here are a few photos from our trip.

(And if you are wondering, I don’t have an engagement ring yet– he’s letting me design my own ring! I should have that in a couple months.)

Other photographers in the 10 on 10 project are:

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Utah Road Trip! June 10 on 10

I just got back from an amazing road trip through Utah with my boyfriend Anthony and my dog. We went to the Big 5 national parks (Arches, Capital Reef, Zion, Canyonlands and Bryce Canyon) and camped for four nights in some of the most beautiful and diverse landscapes I have ever been to.

Anthony also got a new camera (the Sony a6000) and we had some time to play around with it! Some of these photos were taken by me, others by him. This is a collaborative 10 on 10 😉

Other photographers involved in the 10 on 10 project this month:

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10 on 10 April 2015 : Hearst Castle and Nitt Witt Ridge in Cambria, CA

So, some of you may have realized that I didn’t have a 10 on 10 last month! I’m sorry about that. But to make up for it, this month I’m giving you 20 photos from my recent trip to Hearst Castle. Anthony and I also stopped over to see Nitt Witt Ridge, a house that was built completely out of shells, beer cans, and other garbage. Both places were incredible to see and were a nice contrast to each other. If you ever find yourself in beautiful Cambria, make sure to see both of these spots.

Be sure to check out the other 10 on 10-ers this month:

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Joshua Tree Wedding : Kirk + Nikka

Wow. What a way to end my wedding season.

Kirk and Nikka’s wedding does not need much of an introduction. Their love for each other is so apparent that it radiates from the pictures. These two had been together for ten years— they met while moving into their freshman dorm!

Nikka planned this day down to the T, which you can see in every detail included below. It’s amazing how much work went into this day. I had a really hard time narrowing down these pictures, which I was able to capture alongside my super talented boyfriend turned second shooter. I will definitely be employing him again because he did a great job and I really loved bossing him around.

Congratulations, Kirk and Nikka!

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10 on 10 Collaboration Project, Post 13

Since last year’s 10 on 10 highlighted Fourth of July, why not do it again this year? Traditionnnnn, tradition! (Yes, that’s a link to Fiddler on the Roof).

Last year we celebrated our nation’s birthday at our home in LA. This year, Anthony and I and a few other friends decided to take a mini vacation. We rented an adorable little cabin in an adorable little lake town called Green Valley Lake. Not only did we see the shortest 4th of July Parade in the world (true story, but due to camera issues I was unable to keep those photos), but we were also able to experience just about every weather/earthly related event. Friday included a hail storm, a thunder storm, and bright, sunny skies. Then Saturday morning was interrupted by an earthquake (yikes!), and then we saw the most beautiful sunset where the sky literally looked like it was on fire. It was probably on fire.

We had a hot tub, a lake, fresh fish, beer, Kyle, a million patriotic temporary tattoos, and all the Sharknado we could watch. It was the perfect weekend.

PS– Other sweet-ass photographers involved in the 10 on 10 project this year:

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10 on 10 Collaboration Project, Post 12

Well, today’s post officially marks a year of doing the 10 on 10 project with the other photographers all around the country!  Yay!

I’m happy to say that I have decided to continue doing the 10 on 10 post every month, as it keeps me motivated to do my own work.  Although, I’ll admit that I took lots of photos last month, nothing quite made the cut for today’s post.  SO, I’m showing you some more photos from my trip abroad to Amsterdam, Paris, and London.

Take me back. Someone just take me back.

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Other talented photographers involved in the 10 on 10 project are:

Courtney Z Photography

Jamilah Photography

Twinty Photography

Anya Elise Photography

Button Media

10 on 10 Collaboration Project, Post 10

I’m going to keep this month’s 10 on 10 short and sweet, because I’m about to leave on a plane in 20 minutes to head to Lindy and Jason‘s wedding!!

I found this super awesome manual Minolta 35mm camera in an antique shop in the desert back in January, and I have been steadily shooting with it since.  It has been to concerts, museums and last month I traveled to Amsterdam, France and London for business trip. I love this little world traveler.

Here are some of my favorite shots since I started developing the film.

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10 on 10 Collaboration Project, Post 8

Better late than never, eh?

You guys, this past month has been so busy.  My head might explode, but in a good way (is that possible?).  This week alone, I  have both a wedding AND another engagement shoot to post, so prepare yourself for some Valentine’s Day eye candy.

Speaking of Valentine’s Day, this Friday is my anniversary with my boyfriend, Anthony.  We have been together 4 years now.  We’ve shared so many adventures together, some really amazing memories, parties, vacations, and nights out, as well as weathered extremely difficult times like losses of friends and family and jobs.  But we have survived both the good and bad together, which has helped so much.  Some days I honestly don’t know what I’d do without him (probably be living in my mom’s basement, crying myself to sleep every night to a bottle of wine and Tori Amos).

So in celebration of my wonderful boyf, this month’s 10 on 10 features our recent trip to Joshua Tree National Park in California and Sedona, AZ.

Happy anniversary, Anthony. I’m so grateful to have you in my life, a constant force of love, support, and encouragement.  You’re my very best friend.

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Other photographers participating in this month’s 10 on 10:


10 on 10 Collaboration Project, Post 6

We are halfway there, folks.  It’s month 6 of our 10 on 10 collaboration and I’m super excited to share this one because I haven’t stopped thinking about this trip since I left.  Also, I have 12 photos because I cannot make decisions.

Thanks to my super awesome boyf and his equally awesome company, BRKLY, I got to tag along to the opening weekend of the Napa Valley Film Festival.  We had VIP all-access passes, saw approximately zero movies, went to what felt like 100 wine tastings, and easily ate 7 pounds cheese.  We stayed in a guest house on a gorgeous vineyard where we stayed up until all hours of the day and night playing hide and seek in the grapevines and eating fresh fruit plucked right off the branches.

Oh yeah, and I met a MINI HORSE which was definitely a highlight of the trip if not a highlight of my entire life (follow me on Instagram for visual proof).

Yeah, it was horrible and I never want to go back, ever.  JUST KIDDING, Y’ALL, IT WAS MEGA GOOD TIMEZ.

Happy upcoming holidays, everyone!  I hope they are as magical as mini horses and Napa Valley.

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Other photographers participating in the 10 on 10 project:


Courtney Z Photography

Anya Elise Photography

Twinty Photography

Jamilah Photography