Rancho Palos Verdes Oceanside Wedding – Judy and Vladimir

It’s not every day I get the opportunity to shoot a wedding where both the bride and the scenery quite literally take my breath away. Judy and Vladimir chose this stunning location in Rancho Palos Verdes as the backdrop of their intimate wedding in May. The weather was perfect, the company was warm and welcoming, and I was able to see the ocean. I can’t ask for much more than that.

The ceremony was at Founder’s Park, and the reception was held at Judy’s aunt’s house nearby. It was one of the most entertaining weddings I have shot– this group of family and friends really know how to party!

Special thanks to Sara Panman for helping me get some great shots!

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Abramson Family Portrait Session – Savannah, GA

You guys, I love family portraits. I’m not talking about stiff, posed, boring family photos. I’m talking about family photos where you can actually feel the love through the images.

I took these photos when I was in Savannah for my friend Lindy’s wedding. I couldn’t be happier with how they turned out. Not only was the weather perfect, but  I feel like I got to know the Abramson family so well. We had so much fun! And the photos oozed happiness.

During the shoot, we got Grandma in there too. And we even ran into my handsome friend, Austin the Golden Retriever!

All in all, a perfect session (complete with beach balls and giant balloons, of course!).

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10 on 10 Collaboration Project, Post 12

Well, today’s post officially marks a year of doing the 10 on 10 project with the other photographers all around the country!  Yay!

I’m happy to say that I have decided to continue doing the 10 on 10 post every month, as it keeps me motivated to do my own work.  Although, I’ll admit that I took lots of photos last month, nothing quite made the cut for today’s post.  SO, I’m showing you some more photos from my trip abroad to Amsterdam, Paris, and London.

Take me back. Someone just take me back.

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Other talented photographers involved in the 10 on 10 project are:

Courtney Z Photography

Jamilah Photography

Twinty Photography

Anya Elise Photography

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Pet Portraits by CLB Creative

As most of you know, I have been creating these pet portraits in my free time since last November. I started it as something I thought would make me a little extra cash for Christmas gifts, but it has now spiraled into it’s own thing.  I get at least 2 requests per week, and each week it has been gaining momentum.  These have now started to get added to people’s wedding registries, and someone even got a tattoo of theirs!  The enthusiasm has been very humbling and thrilling, to say the least.

The thing is, they are the perfect gift for any pet lover.  Whether it’s a dog, cat, fish, or any other furry friend, the recipient gets a personalized, thoughtful, and completely unique portrait of their companion.

Here are a few I have done so far.  If interested, you can purchase them on my Etsy shop or you can message me directly on my Contact page!

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10 on 10 Collaboration Project, Post 11

I can’t believe it has almost been a year of doing this project!

I’m going to be honest, I haven’t had much time last month to take personal photos. However, I have some exciting news!  As most of you know, in addition to shooting my own work, during the week I work at Oh Joy! where I wear many hats. One of those hats includes shooting a lot of content for the blog. Basically, it’s the best job ever because some days Joy says, “Casey, can you go get some doughnuts, and then take pictures of the doughnuts, and then we can eat the doughnuts?” Or other times it’s like, “Casey, can you come hang out with my adorable family and take photos for my baby announcement?”

Yeah, it’s a pretty great job.

What’s even greater is we are now in the thick of creating an Oh Joy book, and I’m getting the opportunity to take photos for it!  It’s pretty much the coolest/most daunting task I have ever had the privilege to be a part of.

So, this month’s 10-on-10 is dedicated to Oh Joy!, and includes 10 of my favorite photos I took for her blog last month.

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Other photographers involved in this project this month are:

Courtney Z Photography

Jamilah Photography

Twinty Photography

Anya Elise Photography

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Pasadena’s Arroyo Seco Bridge Engagement Session: Anita + Daniel

Anita and Daniel are getting married in South Korea.  Anita asked me to take a few engagement photos of them before the nuptials, so we decided on Arroyo Seco Bridge in Pasadena and the park below it for the dramatic landscape.  They brought their dog, Bailey, along to the shoot, because sometimes the photos don’t feel complete without the whole family there!

Congratulations, you two!  It was so great meeting you!

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10 on 10 Collaboration Project, Post 10

I’m going to keep this month’s 10 on 10 short and sweet, because I’m about to leave on a plane in 20 minutes to head to Lindy and Jason‘s wedding!!

I found this super awesome manual Minolta 35mm camera in an antique shop in the desert back in January, and I have been steadily shooting with it since.  It has been to concerts, museums and last month I traveled to Amsterdam, France and London for business trip. I love this little world traveler.

Here are some of my favorite shots since I started developing the film.

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Keeping Busy…

Last week, I got back from an AMAZING business trip (look at me being all adult and saying “business trip”) in Europe, where I was literally hired to take photos for a week, and my job description involved shopping and food.  I know, I still am pinching myself that I landed that gig. I never quite hit the level of jet lag I was expecting when I got back.

I’ll talk more about my trip soon (as soon as I get through all the photos!), but for now, here’s a sneak peek into the welcome back weekend: an engagement shoot on Saturday and a family shoot on Sunday.  I couldn’t have asked for a better job.  And to top it all off, today is my one-year anniversary working with Oh Joy!  Hooray!

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Tattoo Parlor and Record Shop Engagement Session: Bryan + Ashley

Sometimes a couple comes along and they have the best ideas for photo shoots. This was a really fun one.

When I plan engagement shoots, I always try and make sure we shoot something that the couple really loves to do. When I met Bryan and Ashley, and found out that Bryan was in a band, I suggested we shoot their engagement session at a record store here in LA. About a week before our planned shoot, Ashley mentioned that they wanted to get tattoos together and wondered if I could document that as part of the engagement session.  I, of course, thought this was a BRILLIANT idea. I had seen a few engagement sessions in record stores, but never had I seen one of a couple getting tattoos together.

We went to Origami Vinyl on Sunset then walked up the street to El Classico Tattoo. B+A decided to get the number 21 tattooed on their left hands, for the date of their wedding, June 21st. We also happened to shoot this on February 21st!

I seriously can’t wait to shoot their wedding this summer, on the night of the solstice.  If these photos are any indication, it will be a really awesome ceremony.

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10 on 10 Collaboration Project, Post 9

Yesterday, Bash, Please hosted an amazing event called The Cream here in Los Angeles.  I was SO EXCITED to go to this event, and I kinda overdid it on the amount of cameras I brought.  But, since it fell on the 9th, I thought it would make a great 10 on 10 post.  Some of the best wedding blogs and vendors showcased their brands and talents, and I enjoyed eating, dancing, drinking, and chatting with all the brilliant and talented people that attended.  I will definitely be returning next year!

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Other 10 on 10 photographers this month are:

Courtney Z Photography

Jamilah Photography

Twinty Photography

Anya Elise Photography

Grace Photography

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