This month’s 10 on 10 is a little different, first I’d like to let you know that this project is officially going on year THREE! I’m so excited to be a part of it again. Here are this year’s amazingly talented 10 on 10 participants (and for my past 10 on 10’s, click here)
I’m including more than 10 photos for this post because it’s really special. One of my dearest friends got engaged and asked me to be her maid of honor. She told me she was a little conflicted because she also wanted me to shoot the wedding, but that doesn’t really work well when you’re IN the wedding, so we made a compromise: I would give her the most epic engagement shoot she could dream of. She and her fiancĂ©, Robin, are getting married next year in Big Sur. (You may remember that I did the same thing for my friend Lindy a couple years ago when she asked me to be her bridesmaid. What is a better wedding gift? Nothing. That’s the answer.)
Kirsten and Robin got engaged in San Louis Obisbo. They both love the west coast, especially scenic Highway 1. So we decided that the best choice of an engagement session would be to take a weekend and road trip up the coast and stop in all their favorite spots, including Cold Spring Tavern in Santa Barbara for the best ti-tip sandwich ever, Scout Coffee in SLO, Morro Bay, Bixby Bridge, Cypress Grove near Monterey and Carmel, and Julia Pfeiffer Burns State Park. And of course, no west coast road trip is complete without at least one stop at In N Out for a milkshake and some Animal Style fries!
I’m so excited to share these with you all! Granted, not everyone can have an engagement session that lasts all weekend, but if anyone is ever interested I am always down for something fun like this! Just contact me and we can go from there!
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